Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Oh God, I'm going to be a dad. How much are flights to Mexico?

I remember the day well. I don't remember the exact date (she will),  I don't remember the day of the week (she will), but I remember the day like it was yesterday.  My girlfriend comes out to the car and she's looking a little emotional.  This could have easily been today's meat loaf at work, but i thought it best to dig deeper. I asked her what was wrong... and she told me that she was late (this means something female related i later learned) and she took a test and she's pregnant.

At this moment, as a man, you go through the full gamut of different emotions.  Anger- "I thought we were being safe". Confusion "I thought we were being safe".  frustration "I thought we were being SAFE" and then curiosity "am I really going to become a Dad? Oh Sh*t. Moments like these are where the true character of a man and his relationship with his woman are shown.  I am proud to say i went the route of honest excitement. I loved the girl. I love kids.  This seemed like a home run.

Since my Mom lived fairly close, I thought we get another test and go over there and spring the news on them. This would been a perfect opportunity for my Mom to say "you're an idiot and I still have to cut your steak for you". She did not jump at that chance which made me happy. We took a second test and it was happening. We were becoming parents.  I was going to become a Dad.  I would have to provide for a human being and teach them how to build and work on cars and change light bulbs. Uh oh- I don't know how to do ANY of those things. Good thing i have the missus.  (prepare for more emasculation of the male species ladies).

Check in next week:

No one ever tells you about how painful pregnancy is for MEN.......